By Andy Harrison
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace. What does the worker gain from his toil? I have seen the burden God has laid on men. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men…”
My friend, Doreen, read this verse from Ecclesiastes during one of our last services at Christ Church: Macomb after it was announced that the leadership team at CC:M believed it was time to turn the page and close the chapter called Christ Church: Macomb.
CC:M was launched as a satellite of Rochester Church of Christ on March 2, 2008. But the journey began a year and half earlier, when the vision for CC:M was originally cast for us. The last service for Christ Church: Macomb being January 25, 2009.
As a small community of faith, what I loved most about CC:M was the laid-back open and grace filled vibe welcoming each person. The families that joined with us and made up Christ Church: Macomb made it a special place. However, after making various modifications throughout the year, better traction in the surrounding community was ultimately never reached.
It is bittersweet to close this chapter, but those of us on the leadership team, which I have been honored to lead, made this decision couched in prayer, discernment and discussion. It is obviously disappointing to close something in which you have invested much time and effort, knowing there are families that have to make decisions about what community of faith God may have them now connect.
Where is everyone going to go now? For some it may be to Rochester Church of Christ. For others it may be another church. And for others maybe something smaller and more organic. Only God knows. However, we are encouraged to know that we have a unique perspective on church and what it can be and how God can use us in it. So we’re going to take advantage of this place and time to discern our family's place in his Kingdom. We are going to do this by continuing to meet for at least the month of February on the campus of Rochester College. Those who have been part of CC:M are invited to join us Sundays at 10:30 in the Rochester College Chapel. We hope to spend this time in reflection, discernment and listening to where God may be calling each of our families.
I can’t say enough about the leadership team. This group of people risked the known and the comfortable and committed to this adventure. They were asked to go and they did and in the process blessed one another and those that were part of our community. My friend Rutha recently commended the leadership team for its faithfulness during this adventure, adding, “you will never know completely the result of the seeds you’ve sown.”
On behalf of the leadership team, I would like to thank the Rochester Church of Christ for it’s investment in Christ Church: Macomb. The leadership at RCC also took a risk in taking “Go and make disciples…” to not only apply to foreign missions but local ones as well. May you continue to grow in your passion for the not-yet Christians in our surrounding neighborhoods.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Site Pastor: The Milk Thief
Here's a quick video of Andy, our site pastor, confessing sins of his youth.
the milk thief from Ashley Harrison on Vimeo.
the milk thief from Ashley Harrison on Vimeo.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Cardboard Testimonies
This past Sunday was a special day! A day when the Holy Spirit came and made it's presence felt at our little church.
First let me give you some quick background...last week the Rochester Campus did cardboard testimonies. A cardboard testimony is a quick way to show where God has moved you FROM and TO. It doesn't necessarily mean you have it all figured out but a way to show others that God is working on you.
During our family communion time everyone was invited to grab some cardboard and a marker and write down their testimony.
Confession time...during the planning of this I didn't think this was going to one was going to participate...this was going to be lame. Well when I did that I didn't give the Holy Spirit a chance to work.
Much to my surprise just about everyone grabbed some cardboard, a marker and starting writing their testimonies down. All in all we had about 95% participation. Even a visitor joined it!
Need less to say I was BLOWN away. We serve an awesome God!!!
First let me give you some quick background...last week the Rochester Campus did cardboard testimonies. A cardboard testimony is a quick way to show where God has moved you FROM and TO. It doesn't necessarily mean you have it all figured out but a way to show others that God is working on you.
During our family communion time everyone was invited to grab some cardboard and a marker and write down their testimony.
Confession time...during the planning of this I didn't think this was going to one was going to participate...this was going to be lame. Well when I did that I didn't give the Holy Spirit a chance to work.
Much to my surprise just about everyone grabbed some cardboard, a marker and starting writing their testimonies down. All in all we had about 95% participation. Even a visitor joined it!
Need less to say I was BLOWN away. We serve an awesome God!!!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
I Want YOU!

The pulse of Christ Church: Macomb is beating strong. Our numbers are getting bigger and more consistent. A couple highlights include; a single lady who came because gas prices are too high (!!!), a small family who checked us out after receiving our direct mail pieces, and a single mom who has been a constant and amazing story. We’ve also been blessed by a couple small groups from the Rochester Campus, who have come to help us “do church” and then worshiped with us.
The previous 29 years of my life were spent worshipping at the Rochester Campus, first at 800 E. Avon then 250 W. Avon. I was accustomed to turning off of Avon Road, parking my car, sitting in my designated pew, worshiping and leaving. Things are a bit different for us at the Macomb Campus. We arrive an hour early, set up class rooms, tables, sound equipment, perform sound check, set signs up inside and out. Worship. Take it all back down and cram it into our closet.
So, can you make coffee, unfold a folding chair, or are you able to hang a sign perhaps? Then we want you and your small group at Christ Church: Macomb.
CC:M is open to any individual, family or small group to assist in set up/tear down and more importantly worship with us.
Christ Church: Macomb meets every Sunday at 4:30.
Sunday, May 11, 2008

Today the rain fell. As if falling from a shower head it left every thing drenched.
At CC:M the "umbrella ministry" was birthed this dreary Sunday afternoon. Sean and I donned rain suits and armed with umbrellas attacked anyone who pulled up.
I joked with Sean that if anyone is afraid of us it's because we looked like ninjas dressed all in black.
Besides our launch date this was by far our largest and most diverse crowd. Andy R. led us in worship and drew us closer to God. Josh was as on point as I have ever seen him.
On a day when I thought the rain was just making Macomb more green, God did more than that. He truly let his blessings rain on us!
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